
Back To School

As the school year begins one of the hardest parts about the end of summer is establishing a back-to-school routine. To help make this easier

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Beat The Heat!

The summer heat can be dangerous, especially with extreme temperatures across the country. Here are some tips to help stay cool and healthy. Enjoy your

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Communicable Diseases

I live in Michigan, and it is a cold and snowy winter here, people are inside and not able to enjoy fresh air so the germs get spread easily from person to person.

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Respiratory Viruses

Winter is almost here, and with it may come runny noses, coughing, and congestion. But how do you know if you have just a common cold or one of the three respiratory viruses that make up the “tripledemic” – RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), COVID-19, and influenza?

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Men’s Health

6% of men meet the federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic activity. More than 40% of men only go to the doctor if they think they have a serious medical condition. More than half (60%) of men are overweight or obese. More than 50% of men say their health isn’t something they like to talk about.

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Get to Know the Author

When I started my nursing career in 1979 there was ample time for patient teaching, that has changed, and providers no longer have time to educate.  The more a person knows about health, wellness, and disease management the more empowered they become. I believe in achieving a healthy balance and “everything in moderation.” I always told my patients “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

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Gastrointestinal Disorders

Some GI issues are mostly an annoyance, but others can be a symptom of something more serious and sinister. It is important to seek medical attention if something becomes a problem, it is also very important to have preventive care such as colonoscopy as recommended by your PCP. Chronic GERD can lead to Barrett’s Esophagitis which is a precursor to esophageal cancer.

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