
Sandra K. Wilbanks, FNP-BC is a Family Nurse Practitioner in beautiful Mid-Michigan. She earned her ADN from Delta College (1979), BSN from the University
of Michigan (1988) and MSN/FNP from Saginaw Valley State University (1999). She began her career as an RN in1979 and as a Nurse Practitioner in 1999.

As Sandra continued her medical education over the years, she noticed that she was retaining almost all the information she learned while engaged in her favorite past time while working late shifts  – crossword puzzles. So, she decided to create puzzles to make the hours of studying complicated and complex medical content seem more like a past time and not a chore. She began compiling and creating puzzles on every topic she could, introducing an entire new generation to the joy of crosswords and has now been professionally creating medical crossword puzzles and content for textbooks and professional journals since 1998!  Sandra has since become one of the top puzzle masters in the medical field and continues creating new puzzles and content. (Available here).

 Crosscheck Medical Crossword Puzzles Volume one, is a 74 page collection of many of Sandra’s earlier medically specific puzzles on a variety of topics, which was published in 2012 and is available to purchace below.

Crosscheck Medical Crossword Puzzles VOL.1