Back To School


As the school year begins one of the hardest parts about the end of summer is establishing a back-to-school routine. To help make this easier on children, start adjusting bedtimes and wake-up times early on. This will get them accustomed to a new schedule, so they are prepared for their school days.
What a child eats during the day can have a huge impact on their performance at school. A well-balanced nutritious breakfast and lunch is important for concentration and memory. Many schools provide meals in the cafeteria, talk to your child about eating healthy so they’ll know which foods to choose when they’re in line for lunch.
Have an open conversation with children about any fears on concerns they may have as they begin a new year. Encourage them to be alert and aware of their surroundings and to report anything that seems suspicious or makes them uncomfortable. Feeling safe is essential for good mental health and success.



Back To School

As the school year begins one of the hardest parts about the end of summer is establishing a back-to-school routine. To help make this easier

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Beat The Heat!

The summer heat can be dangerous, especially with extreme temperatures across the country. Here are some tips to help stay cool and healthy. Enjoy your

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Communicable Diseases

I live in Michigan, and it is a cold and snowy winter here, people are inside and not able to enjoy fresh air so the germs get spread easily from person to person.

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