Get to Know the Author


When I started my nursing career in 1979 there was ample time for patient teaching, that has changed, and providers no longer have time to educate.  The more a person knows about health, wellness, and disease management the more empowered they become. I believe in achieving a healthy balance and “everything in moderation.” I always told my patients “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

Hi, welcome to my blog! My name is Sandy Wilbanks and I am a retired Family Nurse Practitioner. I live in Michigan and am a mother of 5, and grandmother of 12. I enjoy combining medical information with a crossword puzzle format to offer a fun leaning experience. When I started my nursing career in 1979 there was ample time for patient teaching, that has changed, and providers no longer have time to educate.  The more a person knows about health, wellness, and disease management the more empowered they become. I believe in achieving a healthy balance and “everything in moderation.” I always told my patients “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

As a Nurse Practitioner I enjoyed getting to know patients and sharing information with them. It was my favorite part of the job. The human body doesn’t change and works the same for everyone regardless of race, size, or status. For me, that’s what makes it so interesting and challenging. I do not offer any medical advice on this site; I encourage everyone to have a Primary Care Provider they trust and are comfortable with. I am always open to any suggestions or comments so please feel FREE to contact me.

I began publishing medical crossword puzzles in professional journals in 2005 and also published “Crosscheck Medical Crossword Puzzles” in 2012. Now, my puzzles are written for patient education to provide valuable basic medical information. These puzzles are fun to solve, and most are 14 questions. They can be worked digitally or printed. Medical crossword puzzles are a new and revolutionary format.

As an RN for over 40 years there isn’t much I haven’t seen or heard. My style is one of open, honest communication based on current evidence based medical sources (references available upon request). I offer puzzles on general medical as well as personal issues. There is so much misinformation out there and I feel there is a niche for my work. Puzzles create a fun learning environment, and this is a unique format for education of medical topics. I have experience, credentials, and enthusiasm and am excited to offer this educational game site. I will be adding to this blog once a month prior to the new puzzle pack release, watch for “Men’s Health” coming next month. WELCOME!



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